Alcohol is one of those very touchy issues in the faith of Christ followers. We seem to be unable to navigate this grey area. And as we consult the Bible looking for black and white answers they allude us. Here are some examples:
- - alcohol in the negative - -
+ + alcohol in the positive + +
Please do not think this list exhaustive. Wine and drinking alcohol is all throughout the Bible. It's part of Jewish culture. But does that mean it should be part of our culture? Part of our expression of Christianity? This is the question. And placing ourselves so strongly on one side or the other causes us to commit alcohol-ism.
So what should we do? How should we treat alcohol so that we are true to scripture and approbate to culture. We can find some help from Romans 14. Here Paul gives direction as to how those with "strong" faith should interact with those with "weak" faith. What is interesting is that those who accept disputable issues are considered to have "strong" faith; and those who reject them have "weak" faith.
Who are we? Where are we at? Is our faith strong or weak? Are we causing our weaker fathed brothers and sisters to stumble? How are we going to respond to the issue of alcohol without committing alcohol-ism?
your thoughts ? ? ?