Friday, September 08, 2006

Inspirational Keys

I know this key chain has gerat potential to diminish the respect that some of you may have for me but let me explain.

I recieved this as a gift from one of my friends who recently went to Cuba. Not knowingly they gave out key chains as a memorable trinket of their trip. This was the only one with such a profound message. I was the one who received it.

As I thought about the little saying I reflected on my upcoming house purchase. One week from today we get the keys to my new house. MY house. MY expletive house. Somehow our culture has this attitude: everything that is mine is mine. Makes sense. However, it goes against the teachings of Christ. Material possessions and the idea of owning things wasn't important to Jesus (Matt 16:24, Matt 19:21, Matt 8:20, to name a few). So why should it be important to me.

Moving into this house and owning something huge must not change me. I must remember that it is not my house but God's.

I know this issue doesn't seem grey; but, it was so strikeingly presented to me in this key chain I felt I had to share it. As I though I was receiving a perfect gift for someone moving, I was actually receiving a perfect illustration of what this moving must not produce in me.


Anonymous said...

our culture and ecconomic system places people in a situation of compentition which causes people to base thier value on what they do and have. it's an unfortunate reality, but it's our reality. going against the flow even a little bit on such a dominant force and principle of society is killer

adam said...

But what other choice do we have. If we live by the standards of our society we go against those of God's society. I know it's hard and I fail at it all the time but I have no other choice than to strive on, understanding the great difference between the two worlds.

Anonymous said...

I like your new page but I can't comment on the blog. I like dark side of the moon also. I have a good vinyl pressing of it that I listen to sometimes.